Facebook is an instagram for kids
Instagram setzt Entwicklung von Kinderversion aus – Die Zeit
27.09.2021 — Instagram Kids sei nie für Kinder jünger als zehn gedacht gewesen. Kinder bekämen immer früher ein Smartphone, was ihrem Alter gar nicht …
Facebook Delays Instagram App for Users 13 and Younger
Facebook Is Delaying ‘Instagram Kids’ Amid Criticism – The New York Times
04.10.2021 — Facebook said on Monday that it had paused development of an Instagram Kids service that would be tailored for children 13 years old or …
The social media giant said it still wanted to build a child-focused Instagram product but would postpone the plans in the face of criticism.
Instagram for Kids and What Facebook Knows About the …
Instagram for Kids and What Facebook Knows About the Effects of Social Media | The New Yorker
30.09.2021 — As reported by the Journal, the documents show that the company is fully aware that Instagram has deleterious effects on teens. A PowerPoint …
A Senate-committee hearing will address whether Facebook is following the example of Big Tobacco.
Facebook says it’s pausing effort to build Instagram for kids
Facebook pausing effort to build Instagram for kids
27.09.2021 — Facebook faced sharp criticism from lawmakers and users over its plans for Instagram Kids. · “Instagram will continue to focus on teen safety and …
Facebook’s plan for Instagram for kids faced backlash from users and lawmakers.
Facebook puts Instagram Kids on hold amid criticism … – Reuters
Facebook puts Instagram Kids on hold amid criticism of planned app | Reuters
27.09.2021 — Instagram has hit pause on a new app it is creating for kids, the photo-sharing service owned by Facebook Inc said on Monday, in a move that …
Instagram has hit pause on a new app it is creating for kids, the photo-sharing service owned by Facebook Inc said on Monday, in a move that comes amid growing opposition for the project.
Pausing ‘Instagram Kids’ and Building Parental Supervision …
27.09.2021 — We believe building “Instagram Kids” is the right thing to do, but we’re pausing the work. We’ll use this time to work with parents, …
Instagram Kids: Facebook pausiert Entwicklung nach … – NZZ
30.09.2021 — Der Mutterkonzern Facebook kommt unter Druck und stoppt vorübergehend die Arbeit an «Instagram Kids». Philipp Gollmer 30.09.2021, 05.30 Uhr.
Facebook Is Building An Instagram For Kids – BuzzFeed News
Facebook Is Building An Instagram For Kids
18.03.2021 — Facebook Is Building An Instagram For Kids Under The Age Of 13 … “We have identified youth work as a priority for Instagram and have added it to …
“We have identified youth work as a priority for Instagram and have added it to our H1 priority list,” reads an internal Instagram post obtained by BuzzFeed News.
Facebook: US-Justizminister fordern Aus für Instagram for Kids
14.05.2021 — Foto-Plattform Kinder als neue Facebook-Zielgruppe: US-Justizminister fordern Aus für „Instagram for Kids“. Das soziale Netzwerk bastelt an …
Facebook bastelt an einer Instagram-Version für Kinder unter 13 Jahren. Justizminister aus Dutzenden Bundesstaaten wollen nun verhindern, dass Kinder eine neue Facebook-Zielgruppe werden.
Facebook: Insta für Kinder sorgt für Bedenken – Netzpolitik
Facebook: Insta für Kinder sorgt für Bedenken
15.06.2021 — Facebook plant ein „Instagram for Kids“ für unter 13-Jährige. Viele Details verriet der Konzern bislang nicht über seine Pläne.
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